Tuesday, March 04, 2008

OHIO.....I am not allowed to say it


How I wish you were an island, then maybe you could sink under the water.
I know this seems like a harsh statement and you would be right if I were saying it about anything but Ohio.

Now I can hear people say that it is because it is that I am from Michigan and I am just upset that we can’t beat Ohio St. in football and that would be wrong. I could care less about who wins that football game.

No the reason that I would like to flood Ohio is because politically it has to be the most idiotic state in the union.

It is a rust belt state, with a lower to middle class population. Many working class jobs and yet they vote Republican. I don’t understand how these people could constantly vote against their best interest.

They are voting for a Republican party that no longer exists. The party of Lincoln, of Roosevelt, of Eisenhower is not the party of today.

The Republicans no longer stand for American jobs, the Middle class, they don’t even stand for the Military (except to send our soldiers off to fight other peoples battles). And yet Ohioans still vote for these idiots.

Now I must say that I do like something about Ohio, and that would be Cedar Point. For those of you not familiar with Cedar Point it is an amusement park. If I had the ability I would take Cedar Point from Ohio and then use a scorched earth policy on the rest of the state.

Not only would that cleanse the Midwest of this ridicules political farce, but it will also give the earth a chance to recover from this parasite that clearly decays all that is good and proper.

Oh yeah it will also give U of M a chance at the big ten title.

Mr. Bush. It seems that your Political Terrorist have infested Ohio once again. And once again it might be Ohio that slaughters the election process of this once great nation. I hope you and your cronies are happy that you helped to destroy all that is decent in our country.