Tuesday, March 04, 2008

OHIO.....I am not allowed to say it


How I wish you were an island, then maybe you could sink under the water.
I know this seems like a harsh statement and you would be right if I were saying it about anything but Ohio.

Now I can hear people say that it is because it is that I am from Michigan and I am just upset that we can’t beat Ohio St. in football and that would be wrong. I could care less about who wins that football game.

No the reason that I would like to flood Ohio is because politically it has to be the most idiotic state in the union.

It is a rust belt state, with a lower to middle class population. Many working class jobs and yet they vote Republican. I don’t understand how these people could constantly vote against their best interest.

They are voting for a Republican party that no longer exists. The party of Lincoln, of Roosevelt, of Eisenhower is not the party of today.

The Republicans no longer stand for American jobs, the Middle class, they don’t even stand for the Military (except to send our soldiers off to fight other peoples battles). And yet Ohioans still vote for these idiots.

Now I must say that I do like something about Ohio, and that would be Cedar Point. For those of you not familiar with Cedar Point it is an amusement park. If I had the ability I would take Cedar Point from Ohio and then use a scorched earth policy on the rest of the state.

Not only would that cleanse the Midwest of this ridicules political farce, but it will also give the earth a chance to recover from this parasite that clearly decays all that is good and proper.

Oh yeah it will also give U of M a chance at the big ten title.

Mr. Bush. It seems that your Political Terrorist have infested Ohio once again. And once again it might be Ohio that slaughters the election process of this once great nation. I hope you and your cronies are happy that you helped to destroy all that is decent in our country.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Stop this Prince insanity......

Here is another reason I dislike the television media.

Prince Harry.

Did you know that he has been serving in Afghanistan? Did you know he has been doing it in secret? Did you know that he was the first royal to serve in a war zone since his Uncle Andrew served in that huge Falklands Island war with Argentina?
Great now that we all know this important information can we please stop talking about it.

I mean I find it admirable that a member of the upper class would actually put themselves in harms way while rich people in this country (who actually support this war) refuse to sign their children up for it.

But that is where I draw the line. I am not a British citizen. The United States does not belong to the commonwealth of nations. So why must we over kill about a royal family that we no longer call our own.

I respect the young Prince, even though he had nothing to do in gaining the position and novelty that his life is, he has been trying for a long time to be in the midst of the situation that his fellow soldiers are in.

However again I must ask why why do we actually care about this story so much. He went, was found out, and now he is on his way home…. END OF STORY

Mr. Bush (your royal lame duck ness) do you see how that Prince went after the TERRORIST. Maybe your daughters will get the hint and help look for BOMBS instead of getting BOMBED themselves.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ford tries one more time...

Well Ford motor is giving the choice of buyouts once again, and once again I am going to pass the buyouts up.

It’s not that I enjoy working on the assembly line, and it’s not that I will miss showing up everyday (ok most days)

The only reason that I will be turning down the buyouts is because I can’t afford to take the buyout.

I understand that to the rest of the world, at least those that listen to the news, think that the higher end payout is a good deal. So did a lot of the people who took it the first time around.

$140,000 as the top prize (for those who are 55 years of age, and have at least 10 years of service, and the ever popular $100,000 for those who don’t qualify for the $140,000 seems like a lot of money. However that is before taxes have been taken out.

A friend of mine who took the $100,000 package received just over $60,000 after taxes. Of that he had to use a portion to gain insurance for his family, some to get his bills in order and then quite a bit to keep the family going until he could find a job (which in Michigan is kind of hard at the moment) of which made nowhere near what he was making, and gave him no insurance.

Now some people did make out with their buyout. They however all had over 25 years, were given about $30,000 in cash, and were allowed to keep their benefits just as if they had retired at 30 years.

A few of my friends took the education buyouts, and a couple of them might have a chance of getting a good job after all is said and done, but there are a lot of rules surrounding these buyouts, and it is not like they just go to school, they still have to get jobs to pay their bills. The funds received for this buyout go mostly for education.

I wish I was in the situation to take a buyout. I would love to wake up in the morning and know that I wouldn’t have to go into the factory anymore. There are many of us that wish that same thing, but in the end we have no other choice but to stay where we are, and hope that the company can get their act together so we can all benefit from the future.

Mr. Bush you only have 328 days, 1hr 31min and 23.8sec left in office. Do you think you might be able to get some real TERRORIST before you leave office, or are you content to just continue to BOMB civilians because you can? Just a question.

Monday, February 25, 2008


So there I am, doing my least favorite thing in the world, sorting through the days mail and opening up a bill.

It is the cell phone bill, one that I was sure was going to hold a surprise for me. Oh let me tell you that I wasn’t let down. The grand total was a whopping $603.

That’s right $603. I thought it was a type-o also, so after I pulled my jaw off of the floor, I checked it again. Nope I was seeing straight it said $603.

I couldn’t believe it. I grabbed the phone and went off to call the phone company. Lets call them the “running real fast” company.

After pushing a series of numbers to get through the system, I was finally able to gain access to a “very nice” (notice the quotes) Indian lady.

I must be fair she was nice, however she wasn’t very helpful. After giving me the run around about not being able to access my account I “kindly” (quotes) said thank you and hung up.

Ok so I just hung up on her.

At this time it was time to eat, and then take my daughter to play rehearsal. I then came home and tried to call the “running real fast” company again. Once again I ran through the push buttons from hell, and then found myself again talking to another “nice” Indian lady.

This one actually tried to help me figure out why my bill was so high. She placed me on hold a number of times, giving the impression that she was looking in detail at my account. Yet each time she came back on the line she was just as confused as before.

I knew what the problem was. We had just up graded to better phones and were supposed to receive in store rebates, but for some reason the company didn’t give us the in store rebate, and now she was telling me that I had to go back to where I purchased the phones to get a mail in rebate.

I tried repeatedly to explain the situation to her but she just didn’t understand what I was saying. I kept seeing the image of Jerry Lewis as the Chinese character in the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” All smiles but no substance.

I finally had to hang up with her(of course I could put more quotes around the way I left that conversation), and decided that I will just go to the store tomorrow to see if I can get an understanding from someone who might actually be able to understand the situation.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not prejudice. I don’t dislike Indians. I don’t dislike people with accents, my Grandfather has a thick accent, and because of it I am able to understand what other people with accents are saying. What I am saying however is that I hate the fact that I have to talk to someone half way around the world, and then not be able to communicate the situation correctly.

All I know is that I better be able to get things straightened out tomorrow at the store or I am going to go ballistic 603 times. Once for each dollar they say I owe them.

Hey Mr. Bush, found any new Terrorist with Bombs lately. “Bad Muslim goes Boom” said Mr. Bush

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What does the world think.

What I want to know is what people around the world think about what is happening in the United States? Not just those who might have spent time in the U.S. but also those who get their information from their local sources.

It is easy to see how things are going from a Michigan point of view, a California point of view, or even a Alabama point of view. But I want to know how people from Brighton England feel about the U.S.

I want to know how people in Tokyo see us, I want to know how people in Kiev see us.

I would like to know if we are truly perceived as the good guys, or the bullies. We in America always think that we act in the best interest of everyone when we act, however there are many times that we find out, after the fact, that we are not doing the right thing.

We also seemed to be vehemently outraged when ever anyone around the world says something against our judgment. (Freedom fries)

We here in America have to remember that every great nation will gradually fall from its power, and most of the time it is because they become singular in purpose while thinking that we are doing so much for others.

We can only be great leaders if we have the backing of those that follow us. We can only be a great world leader if we have the backing of the rest of the world. If we don’t then we look (as we have under the Bush Administration) like fools.

[This is for the wire tappers TERRORIST, BOMBS, ANTI-BUSH]

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Exercising my 1st amendment right.

I am appalled at how my Government is attacking my 4th Amendment rights of protection against warrant less search and seizure. They want the power to tap into any phone line they wish, read any mail, e-mail or snail mail, regardless of content.

They say that they are trying to keep Americans safe from terrorist attacks, and that they will only use the taps on international calls. However I still don’t see what the problem is with getting a warrant. I know I have posted a blog about this subject before but it just blows my mind that my Government would do such a thing.

How are they going to determine which lines to tap? Are they going to grab lines of people they already think are tied to terrorist organizations? Or are they going to blanket the system in search of such words as terrorist, bombing, explosion ect…

I am tempted to use those words in every blog I write just so I know that there is somebody reading it.

Maybe if I am lucky I will get a letter from the President telling to stop being a pain in the Governments collective asses.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Please explain this to me...

I went to buy my son his very first baseball bat today. He wants to play little league and while he has had a mitt to play catch since last summer, we never got around to getting a bat. So off to the sporting goods store my son and I went. We knew we had to find a bat that was rated for little league.

How was I to know that there would be so many different kinds.

There were balls for little league, tee ball, youth league, softball, slow and fast pitch, and adult fast pitch baseball.

There were thin bats and thick bats, short bats and long bats, wooden bats and aluminum bats. Enough bats for a Dr. Seuss rhyme.

Now this alone was enough to shock me. When I was younger all they had were Louisville sluggers, and now they have bats from Japan and China, but this wasn’t the thing that shocked me the most. What was the biggest shock was the sticker price.
They ranged anywhere to $20.00 to $300.00. I had to pick my jaw off the ground. How in the world could a bat be so expensive. Granted the $300.00 was the adult bat, but the little league bats still topped out at about $180.00.

Of course I bought one that was on sale for $20.00, but even that one regular price was almost $50.00

I would love someone to explain to me just why a bat that a nine or ten year old would use has to cost so much. I asked one of the workers about it but he had no idea as to why this was the case.

It just floors me that a sport, which had once cost so little to participate in, now is beginning to creep up in price.

I just hope he is good enough at baseball as to one day be able to afford his own equipment.