Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Where does a clown go to be sad?

Does he cry alone at night?

What lies behind the make-up,
the phony smile?

Who does he talk to,
when the lights turn out?

Is there any way to know?

Does anyone really care?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sometime random thoughts lead me down paths that make very little sense. This would be one of those times. Have you ever thought about how the peanuts gang might have turned out twenty years later.
What ever happened to Charlie Brown? After many attempts at sports (failed field goals, losing baseball games) Charlie finally snapped. The final straw was when he finally got an invitation to a party being held by the cute redhead girl. Thinking that after all these years he might have a chance at letting her know how he felt he came across something he that tore him apart. The cute redhead girl playing a tune of her own with Schroeder in the back room while everyone partied up front. Charlie is now serving life in a mental facility for turning a gun on his high school English teacher for that whole wa wa wawa thing.
How about Linus? After trying hard to give up his blanket, something he tried to do after Sally left for the west coast, he found that he couldn't give up the one thing he truly loved. Instead he moved to the Canadian Rocky Mountains where her become a hermit willing to live out his last days huddled in a cabin with his blanket by his side.
What of Sally? Having no real male roll model to help her understand the male gender, she went from one man to another. Having many failed relationships, until finally finding contentment in a strange love triangle with Peppermint Patty and Marcie.
What of Lucy? Having spent most of her life giving advice to everyone in the neighborhood it was thought she would become a Psychologist. But things took a tragic turn. In one of those crazy moments when she was dancing with Snoopy. A tender moment turned into an abnormal animal fetish. She is currently living south of San Diego where she performs an adult animal show by the name of the Tijuana momma.
Finally there is Snoopy. What of the playful sidekick of Charlie Brown? After his little romantic interlude with Lucy, and the total breakdown of Charlie, snoopy found it best to hit the road. Packing his things in his dog house/fighter plane he and Woodstock set of to see the world. They made it as far as the Bermuda Triangle where they unfortunately disappeared never to be seen again.
Yes the world of Charlie Brown sadly turned out much differently then anyone could have ever known. Yet we still have the fond memories of what once was. Thank you Peanuts gang for all the good times. We will miss you.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Decline of Western Civilization.
Where did it begin? What was the final straw that started us down this path to madness. It was this simple phase "You might be a Redneck if..."
I know that there will be many sceptics out there about this, but please hear me out. Remember back in the early 1990's when the term Redneck was something to be unspoken. Those who were referred to as rednecks were to be shunned, avoided by the masses, kept contained to the backwoods where they were safely hidden away. Even though they were separated from normal society they were quite content with their washboard music, and their circle track racing.
At this time our nation was strong, we had defeated the soviet union, and kicked Iraq out of Kuwait. Our economy was still first class, our military and education systems were strong, and we were still advancing our technology, science, and medicine around the world.
Then in 1993 those words were uttered and the world as we knew it changed. Rednecks went from something unmentionable to being quaint. From being sad and pathetic to being cute and cuddly almost like a hamster.
Soon everyone wanted to have their very own redneck. They were taken from the safety of the backwoods were exposed to the sights and sounds of normalcy.
Then like with most new pets, the families that took them in got bored with their limit intelligences and talents, and decided to part ways with them. They unfortunately were too big to flush down the toilets so in droves people made their way back toward the ancestral redneck homelands (somewhere near the Georgia/Alabama state line) and set the rednecks free.
It was thought, rather hoped, that the rednecks would just scurry back to their holes, however this was not to be the case. Like the racing they loved so much they only moved in circles.
Left to their own demise rednecks seemed destined to collide with evolutions natural course of extinction, but this was not to be. Lurking in the shadows lived an evil group known as the Far Christian Right. This diabolical group swooped in on the rednecks, like a hawk on a hare, and took them to their temples of brain washing.
By the time the normal people of the world found out, what had happened to the poor rednecks they had set free, it was too late to do anything about it. With a promise of all the red meat they could eat, all the circle track racing they could watch, and the chance to be first at salvation (for the low low price of one tenth of everything they would ever earn) the FCR talked the rednecks into doing their evil bidding's.
At first this only meant attending church services, but then in 1996 the FCR had the rednecks come out and vote for the Republican party and in a shocking fashion the Republicans took over both house of the United States Congress.
This caused many people to suffer, the elderly, the poor, the middle class, gays, minorities, oh lets just say everyone except the richest Americans, and the members of the FCR.
Then in 2000 the FCR called on the rednecks again this time to vote for King W. After that no one was safe. No one in America, and no one in the World, could consider themselves safe from the clutches of the Republicans, the FCR, and the newly formed redneck nation.
So here we are today, fighting for our lives, and our livelihoods. Our schools our underfunded, and failing. Our military is fighting a two front war and possibly getting ready for more fronts. Our health care is floundering, and the only people experiencing an employment boom are the rednecks who instead of working for American companies that might have a UNION would rather work for Japanese companies that have ties to the same Government that attacked this country in WWII.
To sum it up in one last sentence I would have to say. Rednecks have helped to undermine this country, they have helped to destroy the very fabric of this society, all because it has become sheek to be a redneck, to act drunk and dumb, and in a sense lead us down the road to where everything good has become weakened and unsound.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

"Daddy I have a question for you in my bedroom." To most people this would seem like an interesting thing for an eight year old say. The thought that their son, so young, would use those words might just put some fear in a grown mans heart.
This, however, is our little routine every night. My son gets ready for bed, feeds his hamster, says his prayer, and kisses his mother and me goodnight. You would think that is where it ends, but no. Like I said about an hour later he comes out from his room and says that he has an important question for me.
This is our little exchange for tonight.
"Daddy I have a question for you in my bedroom."
(Now those of you with sons might be worried about that sentence, and yes I was. So I went and prepared myself for the worst)
"How hot is it in the desert?"
"Sometime 110-130 degrees"
"Why would people like to go there then?"
"I don't know"
"Maybe they like to look at the flowers?"
"Birds live in the cactus."
"Oh do they?"
"Yes, because that is where the water is."
"I didn't know that. Now go to sleep."
"Goodnight Daddy."
Well the question wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be, but it did fulfill his question of the night. Oh well I guess I just should be glad he's not old enough to ask about such things as..... well you know what I mean.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

What to blog about? That is the question I ask myself. There are so many things that I could discuss. Politics, Work( I work for Ford motor if anyone would like to know), Family(that is the ones I claim anyway), or maybe the voices in my head. I can't decide, not that I really have to decide, I mean I can blog about all of these things and more. I can even blog about the annoying people that complain about the content of other peoples blogs. (that is for Dino, you know who you are.) Or even better I can just randomly blog about nothing, such as writing the word VERY over and over again in memory of my 9th grade English teacher.
I guess I will just have to figure it out each time I come back here. Hopefully though it won't be as difficult each time.