Wednesday, March 14, 2007

older then what?

Well here I am, nine days to my 38th b-day. Now I am handleing it pretty well, not being one of those people who worry about getting older. I do however, have to admit that there was something said that did make me think for a moment "I am old." What was this little phrase that made me stop for that one moment? "Oh my God, you are older then Sesame Street." These words were spoken to me by my wife, oh the pity she has on me.
Yes it's true, I am older than Sesame Street by about six and a half months. I mean it has been quite a while since I have watched the show, at least ten years since my daughter was little, and even then she didn't care for it.
I don't see what is so darn funny about it, I mean there are millions of people who are older then this show, I don't see them getting harrassed about it.
So I have grown with Kermit, Grover, and of course the Cookie Monster. It could be worse..., ok ok so it can't be.
I shouldn't think much about it, and after the 23rd I won't think about it again. At least not until my wife reminds me again next year.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Another religious rant.... go figure

As I sat on my lunch break today I got a good look at the Bible thumper group that graces the area I work in. They were deep in prayer/scripture reading, or what ever it is they do as a group. I thought to myself that maybe, just maybe, I should cut them some slack. I mean they don't talk to me about what they discuss, so I should just let them be. But as I continued to watch them, I couldn't help but think, what a bunch of hypocritical asses they really are.
One of them looks at as much porn as he reads the bible. Two others base their politics solely on what their church tells them (not the do onto others part, but the I don't care what they stand for as long as they are anti-abortion.) One guy won't talk to anyone that isn't in his group. Most of them try to hurry through a door so they won't have to hold it open for any one, and try to get them to say thanks for anything and you might fall over dead first.
They wear their "Jesus" shirts for all to see. Always putting it in peoples faces. Now I know I shouldn't care, but let me try to wear a Anti-Christian shirt and lets see how fast I am in the bosses office.
I really really want to let things be. Let them to their existence, and just try to live mine apart from their insanity. Yet I can't.
All I ever hear nowadays is how the poor Christian church is being persecuted. How their beliefs are being challenged at every turn, and how they have to keep to themselves in their churches because people don't want their load of crap shoved down their throats. Well in my opinion that's too damn bad that they feel that way.
I'm sick and tired of their crap being shoved down my throat.
I don't know if it is my problem, or theirs. Of course it's theirs, what am I thinking.
At least that is what God told me.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What I have learned today..

What I have learned today is that there is so much I need to learn.
I use to know quite a bit. I was one of those kids who would take the encyclopedia into the bathroom. I couldn't tell anyone about any sports stats, but I could tell you the history of world, and recite Shakespeare.
When I was twelve I was given a test and was told I had an IQ of at least 146.
That is considered to be very superior in comparison to most of the population.
However, today I feel as though a little more of what I have left, is slowly seeping from my skull.
I look at my children and I see some of the wonderment that I use to have for learning.
It is not that I don't want to learn, it is just that after working all day, I just don't have the energy to do so.
In talking to co-workers, I realize that I have forgotten more knowledge than most of them have ever learned, and yet here we are in the same place in life.
There are times, many times, when my hands and head are hurting, that I wish I had taken a different career path. I laugh because I don't have a career, I have a job. A career is something you wake up to every morning and are happy to greet it.
I get up every morning and head off to my job, because I didn't think when it was needed.
I do my best to at least place my children on the right course.
To get it into their heads that a higher education gives you at least a better chance at doing something you want to do in life.
I'm not bitter, really I'm not. I have made my choices, and I have learned to live with them.
However, sometimes I wish I could talk to that little boy, the one with that over sized IQ, and help him give himself better opportunities.

Monday, March 05, 2007

I believe....

I believe in America. I believe in the Constitution, and in the Freedoms it provides.

I believe in holding my country up to a higher standard, showing the world what it is like to be truly free.

I believe in speaking softly and carrying a big stick.

I believe in tolerance for others, even if they believe something other than I do.

I believe that just because you don't agree with someones lifestyle, as long as no one is getting hurt or being forced against their will to participate, you should mind your own business.

I believe that America is great, but if she is wrong that we should make her right.

I believe that God made us all different not only because he likes variety, but also to see if we could get along with one another.

I believe that just because you're the biggest kid on the playground it doesn't give you the right to push others around.

I believe that you don't start the fight, but you make sure you finish it.

I believe that we must help our own people, before we can tell others how to live.

And I believe that if anyone, for whatever reason, tries to take our freedoms away, they should be held accountable for their actions. This is true even if they are our very own leaders.