Thursday, July 05, 2007

My letter to the Speaker of the House.

I don't know if this will do any good. I have written to many politicians, as should all Americans, but of course I don't know if any of the letters got past the staffers. All I can do is keep hoping that enough attention can be raised by such letters and maybe things will change.

Madam Speaker,
My name is Sam Reams, I am a 38 year old husband and father of two. I am an Independent voter who has a tendency to vote mostly Democratic. I live in the state of Michigan, a state that I believe our Government has forgotten about. However, this is not why I write to you today. On this day, as we celebrate our independence, we are faced with a situation that can no longer be ignored.
This administration has once again shoved all that is moral and decent in the faces of the American people.
By commuting Lewis Libby's sentence President Bush has once again shown us that he has no regard for the Law, or for the Constitution. He has proven once again that he does not have to follow the rules if he feels like not following them.
Libby is just the last in a series of foul ups that this President has committed. Iraq, Katrina, the Wars on Terrorism, and Drugs. Immigration, Education... and the list goes on and on.
These things, as well as all the no bid contracts that have gone to Halliburton, have led this Country down the road to ruin.
I know when you took over as speaker you said that Impeachment of Bush and Cheney was off the table, but I must implore you to please put it back on the table. This great nation of ours cannot take this anymore.
These two men have been allowed to take advantage of everything they place their hands on. We need leadership in Washington, and what we have right now is not leadership, it is more like an attempt at a dictatorship.
Two hundred and thirty-one years ago the people of this nation threw off the clutches of a dictator named George, now it seems that we must do it once again.
Thank you for time,
Sam Reams

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