Thursday, July 05, 2007

Maybe it is time to change my "about me" Philosophy

Just living the best I can without hurting anyone else in the process.
Yes that sounds like quite a nice, and decent philosophy. It is something that I have tried my best to teach my children to live by. However, lately I have been having second thoughts about this way of thinking.
I love the thought of living in a world where you can get up in the morning, go to work, come home to your family, and getting a good night sleep without having to wonder and worry about having to deal with the daily stupidity that exist.
But I am finding that the rest of the world doesn't want me to live that way. The rest of the world, I believe, wants me to slap them in the face.
Everything from Politics (all the republican and democratic idiots), the American Health system, Education system, Welfare system....
Conservatives piss me off, as do the Liberals. I mean one side wants to keep the American public afraid of everything, so that they can continue to force their way of thinking down every ones throats, and the other side couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag if it meant saving the world from all that was wrong in it.
Racists really piss me off, that means not only Whites, but also Black racist, Latino racist, Asian racist, and yes all these groups can be racists. A racist to me is someone who wants to blame everything on groups not the same as theirs, and/or try to hold them back because of that race difference.
The media really pisses me off. I can't stand that our First amendment has been reduced to twenty-four hours of Paris Hilton, Anna Nicole Smith, and which celebrities are happily married. We have serious problems in this world, and the medias job is supposed to be bringing these problems to the forefront, not to be hidden on page 9 of the Saturday paper, or to be played at the midnight hour.
Religions piss me off, almost more then any other group in the world. How can you tell me that you have the only right way. That God can be placed in such a box that only one group of people have the right to call Him their own. Christians get over yourselves. Jesus was Jewish. He, as far as we logically know, never converted away from the Jewish religion. Nor did he actually try to create a new religion after himself. (Oh yeah, all of you who will want to say "but the Jews killed Jesus", remember that it was the Romans who carried out the conviction, sentencing, the torture, the forcing of Jesus to move that cross, and the Crucifixion itself.)Catholics and Protestants believe in the same basic teachings of the Christian faith, but can they get along, oh hell no. That would be to much like right. Hell the Protestants can't even get along with themselves. Those of the Islamic faith. You guys are in your own world of hurt. You can't even get your act together enough to make a decent argument for your existence. We are a peaceful religion, except for the fact that we will kill anyone who doesn't believe in our way. Hey wait you guy have a lot in common with the Christians you so hate.
Finally, but by no means the last, Americans in general are beginning to really piss me off. How can we consider ourselves the leaders of the free world when we can't even muster more then 45% of the voting population to actually vote. When ever something happens we have to become extremist. School violence has happened in our nations cities for decades, but let it happen in a nice suburban school, such as columbine, and all of a sudden we have to change all the rules.
Instead of staying strong after 911 and demanding justice, we allowed ourselves to become like frightened children who were willing to let the Bush dictatorship begin to tear apart the very Constitution we should be fighting for.
Wow what a way to end the fourth of July. I have now come up with a new Philosophy "Just living the best I can without hurting anyone else in the process, unless you really piss me off and then I am ready and willing to slap the living shit out of you."

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