Tuesday, August 07, 2007

What to do about Illegal Immigration?

This is one of the most debated questions today. Do we set a path for the Illegal Immigration to become citizens? Do we arrest all these immigrants and place them in prison? Do we go after the employers who hire these workers? No one seems to know what exactly to do. I however have an idea that may work and what may that be.... CREATE JOBS IN AMERICA. Americans are upset about immigrants taking jobs because so many of our jobs are leaving this country. China, India, Central and South America are performing jobs that Americans use to do. Soon this trend will extend to the African Continent as countries such as Kenya and Nairobi are setting there people up to be cheap labor.
We need to bring jobs to the good old USA. We need to give American workers the opportunities to grow the middle class not get rid of it. If Americans are working then they don't worry about immigrants coming to this country. A policy that rewards companies who send jobs to other countries not only hurt the American worker, but also anyone who wants to come to this country to better their lives and those of their families.
It will only be after jobs come home that we will honestly be able to deal with those who are here against the law.

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