Sunday, August 26, 2007

I hate stupid mistakes....

I can't stand stupid mistakes, especially when I make them. What makes it even worse is when I see the mistake after the project is all finished. I have a bad temper as it is, but when I do something totally, unmistakably stupid, I feel like punching the wall.(I don't though since then it would just be another project I would have to take care of, and more then likely I would make a mistake while doing it. It is such an evil spiral)
Oh I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but I just can't let it go.
It is usually the simple things that set me off the quickest. I should know better. All it requires is a little common sense, and some thinking. At times I seem to lose both.
There are times when I can go back and fix what I messed up, and then I feel a little better, but it still doesn't cover the fact that something had to be worked on twice.
And if there is anything worse than working on something once it is working on it twice.
Like I said it's an evil spiral.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sometimes I wonder..

My son has suddenly become a baseball fanatic. He has watched baseball (especially the Detroit Tigers) since he was smaller, most of the games while sitting next to his great-grandfather. Now, however, something has changed.
He is eight years old and wants to play travel baseball. Now it must be understood that he has only recently started to learn how to catch the ball (once with his eye). As far as I know he hasn't had any practice at hitting a ball, (unless they tried during the school year) yet he wants badly to play.
It is the end of summer so getting him on a league of any sort at this time of the year is not going to happen. Which may not be a bad thing since he is going to need a lot of practice. This however might be a pretty good bargaining tool. If he wants to play then it should be easy to keep his room clean.
I should be happy that he has an interest in something other then game boy (and I am). I just hope his excitement for the game can be sustained until next spring when baseball starts up again.

Friday, August 24, 2007


One thing about me is that I love music, and when I say that I mean, I REALLY LOVE MUSIC. So one thing that I hate is that when I want to hear music and all there is is Talk shows.

Now I'm not talking about stations like National Public Radio, or the occasional political or sports station on the AM dial. I will listen to some of their programing when the mood hits me.

No, the programing I am talking about it the regular FM stations that are supposed to play music. I have a 45 min trip one way to work, and music makes it a bare able ride. Now there is nothing worse then moving along at a good pace and all of a sudden the music ends and the DJs start talking about what is going on in the world.

It's not just the news that they talk about. They also talk about things such as what kind of interests the crew have, or, help me, the current reality shows from the night before.

If I wanted to know about the shows I would watch them myself, and even then I wouldn't need to hear the morning radio staff talk about it on the radio.

It is so frustrating to turn the station only to find another group talking about the same things. It's like when everyone goes to a commercial at the same time so that no other station seems to have an advantage of any sort.

I keep hoping to find a station that plays music and nothing else. That one day I will be able to listen to my music without endless chatter.

Then again, if that was to happen, I am sure all they would play would be rap.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Maybe Kanye West was right.....

Remember back after hurricane Katrina when we watched all the celebrities on TV asking for support for the victims in New Orleans. One such celebrity was Kanye West. He stood there before the whole word and announced "President Bush hates black people." At the time everyone responded with shock and disbelief about how someone could have actually made that statement. However maybe, just maybe, Mr. West may have been right.

At the writing of this blog, Hurricane Dean is leaving the Yucatan Peninsula and will soon be hitting (if its path stays as predicted)the Vera Cruz area of Mexico. The devastation has been great so far and if it again intensifies the damage will be even greater.

Now this is where Kanye's statement comes in to play. Today while attending the North American Summit in Quebec he made the statement that "The American people care a lot about the human condition in our neighborhood and when we see human suffering we want to do what we can."

As a person who has relatives living in Mexico I am glad to hear that the American Government will do all in its power to help the people in Mexico that might be harmed by this Hurricane.

However, as an American I am a little put out that President Bush made his announcement even before the Hurricane came ashore. Even after Katrina had laid waste to the gulf coast Bush made no real effort to help out. (Unless you consider the little fly by that he did)

If I was an African-American I might be a little, no wait, a whole lot PISSED OFF. How dare our President claim to be a caring individual when he could give a rats A-- about the people in New Orleans that were in a worse position. They had already gone through the hell.

So I don't know for sure how true Mr. West words might be. Maybe President Bush was just responding to the situation because the Mexican President was standing there with him, Or maybe just maybe "W" really does hate black people.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Oh this pisses me off..

We keep hearing about how our education is as low as 29th in the Industrial world in Education.

I have to say that this is appalling. As an American I am disgusted with the politicians in this country for letting this happen to our nation. We still want to throw more and more programs into the mix, with the worst one being "No Child Left Behind." We want to blame the public education system, the teachers, and the unions.

There is one group however that I don't hear any of the politicians crying about, and who might that be? THE PARENTS

It doesn't matter how much or how little you pay a teacher. It doesn't matter how many extra classes a teacher takes to be prolific in his or her subject. It doesn't matter how strong or weak the Unions are. It doesn't matter how advanced the program might be.

What matters the most is how involved the PARENTS are in their child's lives.

You can have a child that goes to a "challenged" school, with little funding, and every thing working against them yet they are successful because they have the total support from their parental figures.

Then on the other hand you can have a child going to a "superior" school with all the advantages that every child should have, and because they are ignored by their parental figures they find ways of screwing up just to get attention.

Americans are so pre-occupied with their own lives that they forget about their children's futures. Children do no ask to be born. They are forced into this world, cold and naked, and all they long for is to be loved and accepted.

The problem is that Americans feel they deserve to have fun all the time. We place so much importance on going to bars, getting drunk, watching the big game, or (God help us) NASCAR. We need to hang out with friends, and waste time fiddling around. All things we place before our children's education.

We have too many divorced parents. Part time moms and dads who are usually fighting with each other, or trying to hard to keep up with the new living situation that cause the children to become second place.

Sometimes its even worse because the parents work so much to have the "good" life, that the start to neglect the children.

Now I am not saying that these other things aren't important. You need teachers who are good at their jobs. You need programs to help guide the children. You need funds to help keep everything running, but where I think the politicians need to spend more time is trying to figure out a way to get parents more involved in the lives of the children.

It is only then that we will see the improvements that are needed for a successful education system.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

That went better then I hoped for...

I went to the store with my eleven year old daughter today and she was telling me about the two dollars she had gotten from the tooth fairy.

Now I must say that my wife and I have been contemplating about how to tell our little girl that there is no such thing as the tooth fairy. She will be going into the middle school this coming up year and we don’t want her to be the only one to not know the truth.

We also understood that telling her this would probably lead us to the question of Santa Claus.
This is why when she brought up the subject I had to take the opportunity of it being only the two of us to tell her.

“Sweetie,” I said, “I have something to tell you about the tooth fairy.” Without missing a beat she says to me “She isn’t real is she?”

Well that caught me off guard. So I told her “how long have you known?”

“For a while.” She said

“How did you guess?” I asked

“I could never understand how a little fairy could get the money into the film container”

(we have always used a film canister for the kids teeth because it was easier to switch the

“Besides I don’t know where the tooth fairy would get money for teeth anyway.”

To me these were both very logical questions. Not to mention that it was making it much easier for me to break the news to her.

“Are you sad?” I asked her.

“Not really,” she said, “does this mean that Santa Claus is not real too?”

I really wasn’t ready for that question

“Will you cry if I said he‘s made up?” I asked her.

“No.” she said, “I was wondering how he made the game boys.”
“Well that’s a good question.” I said

“And the Easter Bunny,” she said,

“Yeah him too.” I said.

“I guess I don’t have to worry about a large bunny whose feet were hurting from jumping around and hiding eggs.”

I have to admit that this was going much better than I thought it would. She had already had her doubts, and she wasn’t upset about any of it.

“I just have to ask one thing though.” I told her

“What?” she asked

“That you don’t tell your brother,” I said, “I think he is old enough to know but..”

“He’ll blab it to everyone right?” she finished my thought.

I have always thought my little girl to be a genius, but this little moment confirmed it for me.

I have often wondered just how she would react. I had the feeling she would be alright with it, but never did it occur to me how well she would take it.

Now the only thing I have to wait for is the time to come when I have to explain it to my son.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Let us remember the truth..

I have a wish for today. I wish that all these right-wing, conservative, pro war nuts would remember what happened to us on 9/11.

Yes we were attacked. A terrorist group sent some of their insane members on a suicide mission and it succeeded beyond any ones wildest thoughts. We responded correctly by going after the leader of this group. We even brought down the Government that was protecting Bin Laden, but that is where it starts to go downhill.

We had the Al-Qadia leadership in our sights, we had the world standing with us. We could have done anything we wanted in order to bring them to justice, but instead of taking advantage of the situation, presented to us, we chose to slow those efforts and change our course of action. We decided to invade Iraq.

Now lets get this straight once and for all. There were NO IRAQIS on any of the planes that were used in the attack on 9/11. In fact the majority of the terrorist were from Saudi Arabia yet I haven't heard any of the "Patriotic" folks call out for an attack on the Arabian Peninsula.
We were forced into Iraq by the lies of our President and his administration. We were told they had weapons of mass destruction, which they didn't. We were told that Saddam was trying to get a hold of nuclear technology, which the weapon inspectors weren't allowing.
We were told that Iraq supported and had training areas for Al-Qadia, even though Bin Laden called for the death of Saddam himself.

Every reason that the President gave was wrong, and this whole time the real criminal of 9/11 is still on the run.

The "rebuilding" of the Iraqi nation is not going the way we were told it was supposed to. There was supposed to be people in the streets waving at us, pretty young women handing out flowers, young children with smiles, their only need being the chocolate candy our soldiers were giving away. But that was not the case.

As soon as Saddam was dead the Iraqis wanted us to leave. They didn't want us to rebuild their nation, they wanted to rebuild their nation, they wanted to put their people to work REBUILDING their nation.

I know that people have been screaming that no one is reporting the good things that are happening in Iraq. Yea we built a school, oh wait someone blew it up. Hey we turned on the electricity, oh wait it's only for a couple of hours a day. We have running water, however it's not clean. We are placing people in jobs, too bad they are contractors from everywhere except Iraq. We are building up the Iraqi army, I guess it would have been nice had we not disbanded them in the first place. We are going to use the oil revenues to help offset our costs... no wait that is just wishful thinking on any reasonable person mind.

What good news are the righties hoping to hear? That the Shia (supported by Iran, and Syria) and the Sunni's (supported by the rest of the middle east) have finally come to terms. What gives anyone they thought that this is going to happen? These two groups are going to go head to head as soon as we are out of there regardless of if we leave now or in ten years. They have problems that are beyond Military, and possibly political fixing. Their problems are philosophical, little differences in their branches of Islam that have torn them apart for centuries. We cannot solve those problems, especially when our leader refers to our mission as a crusade. We have no idea of the history of these people, we clearly have no respect for their religion (and before anyone can say "read the Koran, it's filled with hate" maybe we should read the Christian Bible and see all the hatred and death in there.)

Another thing we missed with the whole episode (when I say we I mean the righties and the President) is the fact that the Kurds in the north are on the verge of a whole new problem. Did any one think that the Kurds in Turkey would want their own homeland? Did anyone think that the Turks might want to keep the Kurds in check by threatening to invade northern Iraq? Has anyone even thought about the possible Greek involvement if Turkey invades? (remember that the Turks and the Greeks are still having small exchanges over Cyprus)

We have asked a lot of our Military. They have spent so much time overseas, away from their families, being lied to by their Government.
We asked them to dispose of Saddam, and they did. We asked them to secure the areas they were in and they did. We asked to sacrifice everything and they have. It is now time to thank them by bringing them home.

The righties blame the left for this mess, but please remember it was the righties who got us in this mess, and the righties who refuse to help get us out of this mess.

I know I have been rambling on this subject, but there is so much to say on it. We ,as Americans, are at our best when we fight from the point of view of coming from behind and taking it to the enemy. We are at our worst when we start the fight, and regardless of what any one says, we started this fight.

I am sure I can go on and on, but that would redundant as those who agree with me agree regardless, and those who disagree are just idiots anyway.
We were attacked on 9/11 but we are fighting the wrong people in the wrong place.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


I always wondered about this happening. I was driving home from work today, taking the same road as I always do, and I came to this Golf course. Now I always pass this course with the same thought in mind, “Has any car ever gotten hit by a Golf ball while driving pass the course?” The reason I think about it is because there is no net or fence to block the balls from slicing into the road. There seems to be support beams that a net could hook onto, yet the net is non-existent.
Well today my question almost got answered (the hard way.) As I was going passed, paying attention to my driving (as I always do) one of the golf balls bounced on the road not four feet in front of my car. I had yet to turn up the radio, so it was still pretty quiet, so I actually heard the plunk of the ball as it bounced off of the road (Is plunk the correct descriptive sound for a Golf ball bouncing of the road.) The whole event happened quickly, so quick in fact that I almost missed it. Had I not been in this area I might have thought I had just imagined the whole thing, but it was what it was. A GOLF BALL.

I have half a mind to stop into the Golf course tomorrow and inquire about the netting (I mean I have heard about playing through but this is ridiculous.) I had my window open which means that had I been driving any faster I might have been hit by the ball. It seems to be real irresponsible of the Golf course to not protect the drivers from the drivers (Ok bad Golf pun.) Let this be a little warning to all of those who believe that Golf is not a dangerous contact sport. It is more deadly then anyone might think.

Monday, August 13, 2007

I really like this one...

No one says it like E.E. Cummings

"she being Brand"

she being Brand

-new;and you
know consequently a
little stiff i was
careful of her and(having

thoroughly oiled the universal
joint tested my gas felt of
her radiator made sure her springs were O.

K.)i went right to it flooded-the-carburetor cranked her

up,slipped the
clutch(and then somehow got into reverse she
kicked what
the hell)next
minute i was back in neutral tried and

again slo-wly;bare,ly nudg. ing(my

lev-er Right-
oh and her gears being in
A 1 shape passed
from low through
second-in-to-high like
greasedlightning)just as we turned the corner of Divinity

avenue i touched the accelerator and give

her the juice,good


was the first ride and believe i we was
happy to see how nice she acted right up to
the last minute coming back down by the Public
Gardens i slammed on

brakes Bothatonce and

brought allofher tremB
to a:dead.


Of course this has to be spoken the right way to get the real feel for it, but it is a great poem.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

What to do about Illegal Immigration?

This is one of the most debated questions today. Do we set a path for the Illegal Immigration to become citizens? Do we arrest all these immigrants and place them in prison? Do we go after the employers who hire these workers? No one seems to know what exactly to do. I however have an idea that may work and what may that be.... CREATE JOBS IN AMERICA. Americans are upset about immigrants taking jobs because so many of our jobs are leaving this country. China, India, Central and South America are performing jobs that Americans use to do. Soon this trend will extend to the African Continent as countries such as Kenya and Nairobi are setting there people up to be cheap labor.
We need to bring jobs to the good old USA. We need to give American workers the opportunities to grow the middle class not get rid of it. If Americans are working then they don't worry about immigrants coming to this country. A policy that rewards companies who send jobs to other countries not only hurt the American worker, but also anyone who wants to come to this country to better their lives and those of their families.
It will only be after jobs come home that we will honestly be able to deal with those who are here against the law.