Friday, August 17, 2007

Let us remember the truth..

I have a wish for today. I wish that all these right-wing, conservative, pro war nuts would remember what happened to us on 9/11.

Yes we were attacked. A terrorist group sent some of their insane members on a suicide mission and it succeeded beyond any ones wildest thoughts. We responded correctly by going after the leader of this group. We even brought down the Government that was protecting Bin Laden, but that is where it starts to go downhill.

We had the Al-Qadia leadership in our sights, we had the world standing with us. We could have done anything we wanted in order to bring them to justice, but instead of taking advantage of the situation, presented to us, we chose to slow those efforts and change our course of action. We decided to invade Iraq.

Now lets get this straight once and for all. There were NO IRAQIS on any of the planes that were used in the attack on 9/11. In fact the majority of the terrorist were from Saudi Arabia yet I haven't heard any of the "Patriotic" folks call out for an attack on the Arabian Peninsula.
We were forced into Iraq by the lies of our President and his administration. We were told they had weapons of mass destruction, which they didn't. We were told that Saddam was trying to get a hold of nuclear technology, which the weapon inspectors weren't allowing.
We were told that Iraq supported and had training areas for Al-Qadia, even though Bin Laden called for the death of Saddam himself.

Every reason that the President gave was wrong, and this whole time the real criminal of 9/11 is still on the run.

The "rebuilding" of the Iraqi nation is not going the way we were told it was supposed to. There was supposed to be people in the streets waving at us, pretty young women handing out flowers, young children with smiles, their only need being the chocolate candy our soldiers were giving away. But that was not the case.

As soon as Saddam was dead the Iraqis wanted us to leave. They didn't want us to rebuild their nation, they wanted to rebuild their nation, they wanted to put their people to work REBUILDING their nation.

I know that people have been screaming that no one is reporting the good things that are happening in Iraq. Yea we built a school, oh wait someone blew it up. Hey we turned on the electricity, oh wait it's only for a couple of hours a day. We have running water, however it's not clean. We are placing people in jobs, too bad they are contractors from everywhere except Iraq. We are building up the Iraqi army, I guess it would have been nice had we not disbanded them in the first place. We are going to use the oil revenues to help offset our costs... no wait that is just wishful thinking on any reasonable person mind.

What good news are the righties hoping to hear? That the Shia (supported by Iran, and Syria) and the Sunni's (supported by the rest of the middle east) have finally come to terms. What gives anyone they thought that this is going to happen? These two groups are going to go head to head as soon as we are out of there regardless of if we leave now or in ten years. They have problems that are beyond Military, and possibly political fixing. Their problems are philosophical, little differences in their branches of Islam that have torn them apart for centuries. We cannot solve those problems, especially when our leader refers to our mission as a crusade. We have no idea of the history of these people, we clearly have no respect for their religion (and before anyone can say "read the Koran, it's filled with hate" maybe we should read the Christian Bible and see all the hatred and death in there.)

Another thing we missed with the whole episode (when I say we I mean the righties and the President) is the fact that the Kurds in the north are on the verge of a whole new problem. Did any one think that the Kurds in Turkey would want their own homeland? Did anyone think that the Turks might want to keep the Kurds in check by threatening to invade northern Iraq? Has anyone even thought about the possible Greek involvement if Turkey invades? (remember that the Turks and the Greeks are still having small exchanges over Cyprus)

We have asked a lot of our Military. They have spent so much time overseas, away from their families, being lied to by their Government.
We asked them to dispose of Saddam, and they did. We asked them to secure the areas they were in and they did. We asked to sacrifice everything and they have. It is now time to thank them by bringing them home.

The righties blame the left for this mess, but please remember it was the righties who got us in this mess, and the righties who refuse to help get us out of this mess.

I know I have been rambling on this subject, but there is so much to say on it. We ,as Americans, are at our best when we fight from the point of view of coming from behind and taking it to the enemy. We are at our worst when we start the fight, and regardless of what any one says, we started this fight.

I am sure I can go on and on, but that would redundant as those who agree with me agree regardless, and those who disagree are just idiots anyway.
We were attacked on 9/11 but we are fighting the wrong people in the wrong place.

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