Thursday, August 16, 2007


I always wondered about this happening. I was driving home from work today, taking the same road as I always do, and I came to this Golf course. Now I always pass this course with the same thought in mind, “Has any car ever gotten hit by a Golf ball while driving pass the course?” The reason I think about it is because there is no net or fence to block the balls from slicing into the road. There seems to be support beams that a net could hook onto, yet the net is non-existent.
Well today my question almost got answered (the hard way.) As I was going passed, paying attention to my driving (as I always do) one of the golf balls bounced on the road not four feet in front of my car. I had yet to turn up the radio, so it was still pretty quiet, so I actually heard the plunk of the ball as it bounced off of the road (Is plunk the correct descriptive sound for a Golf ball bouncing of the road.) The whole event happened quickly, so quick in fact that I almost missed it. Had I not been in this area I might have thought I had just imagined the whole thing, but it was what it was. A GOLF BALL.

I have half a mind to stop into the Golf course tomorrow and inquire about the netting (I mean I have heard about playing through but this is ridiculous.) I had my window open which means that had I been driving any faster I might have been hit by the ball. It seems to be real irresponsible of the Golf course to not protect the drivers from the drivers (Ok bad Golf pun.) Let this be a little warning to all of those who believe that Golf is not a dangerous contact sport. It is more deadly then anyone might think.

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