Friday, August 24, 2007


One thing about me is that I love music, and when I say that I mean, I REALLY LOVE MUSIC. So one thing that I hate is that when I want to hear music and all there is is Talk shows.

Now I'm not talking about stations like National Public Radio, or the occasional political or sports station on the AM dial. I will listen to some of their programing when the mood hits me.

No, the programing I am talking about it the regular FM stations that are supposed to play music. I have a 45 min trip one way to work, and music makes it a bare able ride. Now there is nothing worse then moving along at a good pace and all of a sudden the music ends and the DJs start talking about what is going on in the world.

It's not just the news that they talk about. They also talk about things such as what kind of interests the crew have, or, help me, the current reality shows from the night before.

If I wanted to know about the shows I would watch them myself, and even then I wouldn't need to hear the morning radio staff talk about it on the radio.

It is so frustrating to turn the station only to find another group talking about the same things. It's like when everyone goes to a commercial at the same time so that no other station seems to have an advantage of any sort.

I keep hoping to find a station that plays music and nothing else. That one day I will be able to listen to my music without endless chatter.

Then again, if that was to happen, I am sure all they would play would be rap.

1 comment:

Shan said...

OMG--I feel the same way. I rarely listen to the radio anymore because the talk drove me crazy. This is why I love my CD player in my car. My husband got so frustrated with it he got Sirius Radio.

So, take that you taling DJ's.