Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sometimes I wonder..

My son has suddenly become a baseball fanatic. He has watched baseball (especially the Detroit Tigers) since he was smaller, most of the games while sitting next to his great-grandfather. Now, however, something has changed.
He is eight years old and wants to play travel baseball. Now it must be understood that he has only recently started to learn how to catch the ball (once with his eye). As far as I know he hasn't had any practice at hitting a ball, (unless they tried during the school year) yet he wants badly to play.
It is the end of summer so getting him on a league of any sort at this time of the year is not going to happen. Which may not be a bad thing since he is going to need a lot of practice. This however might be a pretty good bargaining tool. If he wants to play then it should be easy to keep his room clean.
I should be happy that he has an interest in something other then game boy (and I am). I just hope his excitement for the game can be sustained until next spring when baseball starts up again.


The 311 Boys Mom said...

Hi! I'm Ang's friend (We often run into one & other in Target) :o)

YOu can go out to Total SPorts & thaey have clinics, because htere is fall ball......only travel though. Its pretty hard to make a travel baseball team in teh fall....tehy've all been together since spring or winter. BUT lots of teams start condidtioning in Dec/JAn & sign up for most all city leagues is Feb (my son played South Farmington for yrs & then Redford when he was 11 & then middle school & jumped ship to Lacrosse in HS. He does play softball though in the summer (in Redford) He's 15---so we lie about his age~~he's a sub really.

The 311 Boys Mom said...

Let me clarify---total sports in Wixom (down the street from FORD) is NOT only travel (jsut the leagues in teh cities usually). Its not to bad; usually like $90- for 8 or 10 weeks; once a week; PLUS they have batting cages for all ages.

Sorry about that & the typ-o's~~~~~I'm hurrying cause I'm at work. lol