Thursday, February 07, 2008

Again our votes won't count.

Well just when we thought it had got as bad as it could the Democrats throw one more thing at us.


For the first time in a long time people are energized about the whole election process. All over the country people are coming out in record numbers to vote in the Democratic primaries and caucuses.
They are life long Democrats and some cross over Republicans, but the biggest group is the Independent group looking to help make a change in this nation.

This should be a very exciting time for the Democrats. They seem to have the upper hand over the Republican party. Even though it seems that John McCain will be the Republican nominee the Democrats look to be poised to take the Presidency.

Once again though the Democratic party seems to be on the verge of losing their chance to win.

How can this be?


Even though people have been coming out in strong numbers it must be brought to everyone’s attention that the majority of independents are coming out for Sen. Obama. These are people who might not vote ordinarily, and will not be there for Sen. Clinton if she is the nominee.


These are the people in the Democratic party that have been given special voting privileges so that in case there is no clear winner for the Dems, then they can vote and help decide who will be the nominee. They are leading Democratic leaders, Senators, Congressmen/women, party leaders, and other specially picked persons.

Normally they wouldn’t be used, but this year Obama, and Clinton possibly be neck and neck going into the Convention. If this is the case then these people will help to decide the winner.

The problem is that there are over 800 SP’s. This means that if Obama is slightly ahead in the number of delegates and the party “faithful” feel that they don’t want to give the nomination to him then they can use their votes to give Clinton the win.

I, like many other independents, may feel betrayed by the Democrats. If this is the case then there is a good chance that most of those Independents will decide to stay home. Or for that matter switch over to McCain.
It doesn’t seem fair no matter which way one looks at it. The leaders in the Dem. Party will try as hard as they can to get who they want as the nominee (which seems to be Clinton.) It also seems that they might do what ever they have to, even if that means taking what the voters want and throwing it aside.

It may be the stupidest thing the Democrats can do.

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