Monday, February 25, 2008


So there I am, doing my least favorite thing in the world, sorting through the days mail and opening up a bill.

It is the cell phone bill, one that I was sure was going to hold a surprise for me. Oh let me tell you that I wasn’t let down. The grand total was a whopping $603.

That’s right $603. I thought it was a type-o also, so after I pulled my jaw off of the floor, I checked it again. Nope I was seeing straight it said $603.

I couldn’t believe it. I grabbed the phone and went off to call the phone company. Lets call them the “running real fast” company.

After pushing a series of numbers to get through the system, I was finally able to gain access to a “very nice” (notice the quotes) Indian lady.

I must be fair she was nice, however she wasn’t very helpful. After giving me the run around about not being able to access my account I “kindly” (quotes) said thank you and hung up.

Ok so I just hung up on her.

At this time it was time to eat, and then take my daughter to play rehearsal. I then came home and tried to call the “running real fast” company again. Once again I ran through the push buttons from hell, and then found myself again talking to another “nice” Indian lady.

This one actually tried to help me figure out why my bill was so high. She placed me on hold a number of times, giving the impression that she was looking in detail at my account. Yet each time she came back on the line she was just as confused as before.

I knew what the problem was. We had just up graded to better phones and were supposed to receive in store rebates, but for some reason the company didn’t give us the in store rebate, and now she was telling me that I had to go back to where I purchased the phones to get a mail in rebate.

I tried repeatedly to explain the situation to her but she just didn’t understand what I was saying. I kept seeing the image of Jerry Lewis as the Chinese character in the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” All smiles but no substance.

I finally had to hang up with her(of course I could put more quotes around the way I left that conversation), and decided that I will just go to the store tomorrow to see if I can get an understanding from someone who might actually be able to understand the situation.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not prejudice. I don’t dislike Indians. I don’t dislike people with accents, my Grandfather has a thick accent, and because of it I am able to understand what other people with accents are saying. What I am saying however is that I hate the fact that I have to talk to someone half way around the world, and then not be able to communicate the situation correctly.

All I know is that I better be able to get things straightened out tomorrow at the store or I am going to go ballistic 603 times. Once for each dollar they say I owe them.

Hey Mr. Bush, found any new Terrorist with Bombs lately. “Bad Muslim goes Boom” said Mr. Bush

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