Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ford tries one more time...

Well Ford motor is giving the choice of buyouts once again, and once again I am going to pass the buyouts up.

It’s not that I enjoy working on the assembly line, and it’s not that I will miss showing up everyday (ok most days)

The only reason that I will be turning down the buyouts is because I can’t afford to take the buyout.

I understand that to the rest of the world, at least those that listen to the news, think that the higher end payout is a good deal. So did a lot of the people who took it the first time around.

$140,000 as the top prize (for those who are 55 years of age, and have at least 10 years of service, and the ever popular $100,000 for those who don’t qualify for the $140,000 seems like a lot of money. However that is before taxes have been taken out.

A friend of mine who took the $100,000 package received just over $60,000 after taxes. Of that he had to use a portion to gain insurance for his family, some to get his bills in order and then quite a bit to keep the family going until he could find a job (which in Michigan is kind of hard at the moment) of which made nowhere near what he was making, and gave him no insurance.

Now some people did make out with their buyout. They however all had over 25 years, were given about $30,000 in cash, and were allowed to keep their benefits just as if they had retired at 30 years.

A few of my friends took the education buyouts, and a couple of them might have a chance of getting a good job after all is said and done, but there are a lot of rules surrounding these buyouts, and it is not like they just go to school, they still have to get jobs to pay their bills. The funds received for this buyout go mostly for education.

I wish I was in the situation to take a buyout. I would love to wake up in the morning and know that I wouldn’t have to go into the factory anymore. There are many of us that wish that same thing, but in the end we have no other choice but to stay where we are, and hope that the company can get their act together so we can all benefit from the future.

Mr. Bush you only have 328 days, 1hr 31min and 23.8sec left in office. Do you think you might be able to get some real TERRORIST before you leave office, or are you content to just continue to BOMB civilians because you can? Just a question.

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