Friday, February 08, 2008

A letter to Governor Granholm.

Michigan and Florida voters were shafted during this Primary season. Now there is a chance for our voices to be heard but maybe not the way we want them to. This is my letter to Gov. Granholm.

Governor Granholm,
I am writing to you today about the possibility of a Michigan Democratic Caucus. I understand the hesitation you might have in holding another voting session. It cost a lot of money to put one of these events on, but I believe that there is something more important going on here. Your office released the statement "More people participated in the primary than in any other time in history and we want to respect those votes. We will work toward a resolution to get our delegation seated at the democratic national convention."

Now it is true that all our votes should be counted, however the problem I see is that under the current outcome my vote will not be respected. Both political parties forced a move of the primary date, something that the average voter had no choice in. The National parties then retaliated by telling the Candidates not to participate in our primary. Both Senators Obama and Edwards agreed to request, while Senator Clinton refused to remove her name from the ballot. Michigan Democrats and Independents were given the choice of uncommitted if our chosen candidate were not on the ballot. 40% of the voters took that option. Many other voters voted for Senator Clinton because they believed that their vote wouldn’t count if they voted for uncommitted.

I, myself, voted uncommitted, not so much out of dislike for Senator Clinton, but because of my anger with the Democratic party for placing Michigan voters in the position we found ourselves.

Now that the race is as close to a tie as can be everyone wants to seat our delegates. I want that also, but I, as well as many other Independents, feel that our votes are not being counted. We want to vote for a candidate. Had things not gone awry we would have been able to vote for the person in which we wanted, but it now seems that the Democrat party, especially in Michigan, doesn’t want that to happen.

The only fair thing to do is to allow us to have a Caucus so that all our votes can be counted. If Senator Clinton is successful in winning once again then at least no one can say that there was back room deals made to support one particular candidate over another. The voice of the people should be the only thing that matters in the process of electing our leaders.

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