Saturday, February 16, 2008

Where can conservatives go?

I know this is a loaded question.
I know exactly where they can go, but what I am talking about is after the elections.

For years we have heard die hard liberals in this country swear that they would flee the country if Republicans like Bush won the Presidency. Now however the shoe is on the other foot.

When Sen. Obama becomes the President how will the die hard Conservatives continue to make it in this country.
I don't know if they can say the same things as Liberals. I don't think they can make the same statements about fleeing the country.

I mean where could they go.

Most of Europe and South American is more Liberal than we are. I can't see any of them fleeing to anywhere in Africa, I mean there are so many "black" people there. Australia has just elected a more Liberal government, and even though I would like them to all freeze in Antartica I can't see them going there either. This leaves Asia.

I think Conservative would like Asia.

The majority of people in Asia are treated like slaves, (or as Republicans like to call them CHEAP LABOR). Not to meantion that governments in Asia, (notibly China, Indonesia, Vietnam...) know how to crack down on anyone who disagrees with policy.

Asia would be a Conservatives paradise.

The rich are allowed to get richer, and the poorer understand that they are proclaimed by God to be poor and are willing to accept the fact. It is a place that Conservative can be free to be themselves.
They like Asia so much that they have been trying to turn the United State into a place similar to it. You would think they would have left (I mean exported themselves) to Asia a long time ago. I mean it would be cheaper for them to do with themselves as they have done with many of our jobs.

Ship them to Asia.

Obama for President

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