Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Exercising my 1st amendment right.

I am appalled at how my Government is attacking my 4th Amendment rights of protection against warrant less search and seizure. They want the power to tap into any phone line they wish, read any mail, e-mail or snail mail, regardless of content.

They say that they are trying to keep Americans safe from terrorist attacks, and that they will only use the taps on international calls. However I still don’t see what the problem is with getting a warrant. I know I have posted a blog about this subject before but it just blows my mind that my Government would do such a thing.

How are they going to determine which lines to tap? Are they going to grab lines of people they already think are tied to terrorist organizations? Or are they going to blanket the system in search of such words as terrorist, bombing, explosion ect…

I am tempted to use those words in every blog I write just so I know that there is somebody reading it.

Maybe if I am lucky I will get a letter from the President telling to stop being a pain in the Governments collective asses.

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