Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Please explain this to me...

I went to buy my son his very first baseball bat today. He wants to play little league and while he has had a mitt to play catch since last summer, we never got around to getting a bat. So off to the sporting goods store my son and I went. We knew we had to find a bat that was rated for little league.

How was I to know that there would be so many different kinds.

There were balls for little league, tee ball, youth league, softball, slow and fast pitch, and adult fast pitch baseball.

There were thin bats and thick bats, short bats and long bats, wooden bats and aluminum bats. Enough bats for a Dr. Seuss rhyme.

Now this alone was enough to shock me. When I was younger all they had were Louisville sluggers, and now they have bats from Japan and China, but this wasn’t the thing that shocked me the most. What was the biggest shock was the sticker price.
They ranged anywhere to $20.00 to $300.00. I had to pick my jaw off the ground. How in the world could a bat be so expensive. Granted the $300.00 was the adult bat, but the little league bats still topped out at about $180.00.

Of course I bought one that was on sale for $20.00, but even that one regular price was almost $50.00

I would love someone to explain to me just why a bat that a nine or ten year old would use has to cost so much. I asked one of the workers about it but he had no idea as to why this was the case.

It just floors me that a sport, which had once cost so little to participate in, now is beginning to creep up in price.

I just hope he is good enough at baseball as to one day be able to afford his own equipment.

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