Tuesday, February 05, 2008

My plead to the west coast

I can’t stand this.

I am watching the SUPER DUPER ALLY OOPPER Tuesday Primary and I am about ready to pull my hair out.

I can’t believe that Clinton is winning in so many places.
What are people thinking?
How can we allow her to become the Democrat nominee?

Can’t anyone see that she will only hurt the chances of a Democrat becoming President.
She will only bring out the Anti-Hillary folks that might just stay home if Obama is the Dems candidate.

So this is my appeal to those on the great plains and the west coast.


There is still time to save this nation. We need a person who can build bridges in Washington, not bring a new division to our nations capital.

Obama is that person.

Clinton will only force the two sides to work against one another, and give us another four years of nothing getting done.

So again I plead, vote for OBAMA.

If Clinton wins I might just have to stay home on election day.

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