Monday, February 04, 2008

REPUBLICANS=Less Government????

Someone please explain something to me.

I am constantly hearing how the Republican party is the party of less Government.

How they are the party who doesn't want Government to be able to tell you what to do.

I guess however that is unless the situation deals with what you do with your body (ex. Abortion), which Religion is correct(constantly calling us a "Christian nation), trying to make it that everyone should pray in school, telling you have no rights if you are gay(ex. marriage, adoption), who can have sex with who, and calling you out if you have an independent thought that goes against them.

Now we have the latest of the absurdities.

Mississippi Rep. John Read of Gautier (Republican) has called for legislation that would force restaurants to turn away customers on the basis of weight.
He would have it that people that are considered to be obese would not be allowed to eat in any restaurant in Mississippi.

How absurd is this notion?
First, he has tried to place further Government control over peoples daily activities.
Second, he is telling people that only certain citizens have rights.
Third, he has probably setting the state up for many lawsuits by people that will undoubtedly be offended by the proposal.

It is true that there are many overweight people in this nation,(30% of adults in Mississippi according to Rep. Gautier) but is it Governments job to regulate what a person eats, regardless of how bad it might be for the individual?

The Republicans are the same group that find it a travesty that Government would force a business to regulate what it places in the water or air, which hurts more then just one person.
Yet once again they find it ok to tell citizens what they can or cannot do with their personal lives.
I guess the Republican version of less Government means Government giving you less choice in how you live your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.