Sunday, February 18, 2007

I demand justice.

So I’ve seen this commercial, maybe you’ve seen it too. It has to do with a kid doing the rubix cube blindfolded. Now I don’t know if the commercial is real or computer designed, but I have a sneaking suspicion that my rubix cube must have been dysfunctional. I don’t think I was able to get more than two sides completed at one time, and that was using both eyes. Now I know it couldn’t have been me, I am a fairly intelligent human being, with pretty good logic skills, but I couldn’t figure that block out. Yes I know I could have gone the drastic route and pulled the pieces off, and rearranged them, or even worse tried to remove the stickers, (that might get my butt kicked) but I didn’t. I should write the rubix cube company and demand some satisfaction. I should be able to get my money back, only twenty years later. They at least could replace mine with one that works. To think, had they not come up with that commercial, I never would have realized that my cube was broken. I demand justice.

1 comment:

Dani said...

That's it our cube was broke. It never dawned on me, we were able to complete that pyrimd thing and the ever so difficult snake (ha ha) but I do think you are right the cube must have been defective.. rubix should totally do a recall :-)