Sunday, February 11, 2007

Who does this guy think he is?

Australia's P.M. Rips On Barack Obama

Australian Prime Minister John Howard found it necessary to take a shot at Senator Obama shortly after he made his announcement that he was running for President of the United States. I understand that The Prime Minister is a very good buddy of President Bush, and as far to the right side of the spectrum, as they come. What I don’t understand is why he has attacked Senator Obama, and hasn’t said a thing about any of the other candidates. Of all the candidates running for the nation’s highest position only Senator Obama has firmly stood by his views and not flip flopped on the issues. He is also the only one that seems willing to work with BOTH parties to do what is best for this nation.
Mr. Prime Minister, why are you attacking Senator Obama for his views? Everyone else that is apart of the Iraqi Coalition seems to be pulling out, and you aren’t attacking them on the news. Do you think that only Americans should put their necks on the line, or maybe it is that you just have a problem with Mr. Obama? I would hope that a leader of a free nation such as Australia wouldn’t have a problem with a man that is partially of African decent. Or maybe I am wrong about that, I mean I’m not sure how Aborigines are treated in Australia.
Well I do have one thing I am sure of. This only strengthens my resolve to help the good Senator, not only win the Democratic nomination for President, but also to win the Presidency. How dare a man who has his own problems getting re-elected, start attacking a man who has done nothing but spoke his heart, and told the truth especially in a world where standing by ones views is political suicide.

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