Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What is wrong with this picture?

I'm not an economist, I don't claim to understand everything about economics, nor do I claim to be an expert on anything that deals with economics. What I do know is history, and history tells us that when an empire begins to search for cheaper workers, services, and goods, outside its borders, it is heading towards the end of its reign.
The Romans, the English, the Spanish, only to name a few all headed this way. They expanded their borders and soon began to find cheaper ways of doing things because they found cheaper labor. They began to forget their own working class, they begin to forget about their own people.
America is heading this way. We are forgetting about our working middle class. By sending our jobs overseas we are putting our own people out of work. I don't care what people say, not everyone can be a computer programmer.
Why do we think that everything will continue to be OK the way things are going? Is it that we can look at the situation and say "well it hasn't affected me yet, so why should I worry". That doesn't work with me.
The Governments of China, India, Mexico etc... have a job to do, and that is to take care of their people. By the looks of it they are doing a great job. Our Government, the American government, has been failing the American people for a long time. They are not taking care of our people.
I am not an isolationist, I am not calling to be separate from the rest the world, but I worry more about the man down the street, who just lost his job, and might do whatever it takes to support his family, then I do about someone in another country looking for a job.
Economics make very little sense, especially if you are the one who cannot find a job, and it makes even less sense if you are an American and you agree with the policies that are hurting the American people.

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