Monday, February 05, 2007

The most important thing

We are told on a daily basis that the flag is the most important thing. That we have to salute it, honor it, protect it above all other things. That we must pledge our allegiance to it and, if necessary, die for it. If anyone says anything against it, or wishes to burn it out of anger, they are considered to be anti-American and should be jailed. Government officials have tried and tried again to outlaw any activity that may not show the flag in good standing. The American people have been brained washed into believing that our military has died over the years in the name of the flag, but I wish people would understand one thing. If the flag was in the shape of a circle, and was painted green, yellow and orange it still wouldn't be the most important thing. The most important thing is not our flag but instead our CONSTITUTION. Did you read that, our CONSTITUTION is the most important thing going for this country. It is the one thing that separates us from the rest of the world. It is the foundation of our great country, and it is what we should be defending, not some piece of fabric that in all reality is only important because it is visible. Americans would actually have to be smart enough to understand the Constitution, and how important IT is, and that is the challenge. Americans can understand a symbol, it's right there for all to see, therefor you don't have to think about it very hard. The Constitution on the other hand takes thought. It takes an educated attempt to understand its meaning, and the reasons that the founding fathers found it necessary to create it. We must realize that it is the Constitution that makes us free, that makes us strong, that makes us the envy of the world. The flag is a target for others to aim at, and it covers the coffins of those who have died for this country. Without the flag we are a great nation without a symbol. Without the CONSTITUTION we are not free, we are not strong, we are not AMERICAN.

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