Friday, February 02, 2007

Well today's the day. You know what day I am talking about. It comes on this day every year.
Think about it, I can see that you almost have it. Yes, yes it's coming. That's right, it's
Groundhogs Day.
Today media from all over the world will converge on Punxsutawney Pennsylvania to see the one and only Punxsutawney Phil perform his feats of meteorological magic. Since 1886 the master of metaphysical mayhem has used his gifts to help for tell the coming of spring.
Now I have been around to witness 37 of these wondrous events, and I must admit I still have no clue as to what the signs mean (if he sees his shadow it means early spring or late winter, or if he starts to dance he really likes the music. I can't remember.)
Regardless of which sign means what, I will have to get my calender out so that I can write down the date that Phil says spring Will arrive.
I know it will be in March, he always predicts a day in March, and... Hey wait a minute. What does this say under March 20th "the first day of spring." Can this be? Can the calender people already know when the first day of spring is? Did Phil tell them early? And if so are we celebrating the wrong day as Groundhogs Day?
Or is it something worse? Could Phil be, oh please tell me it's not so, could he be a fraud?
It can't be true. Phil can't be a fake, a phony, a charlatan no better them Madam Zelda over on 18th street and Pembroke.
How shall we go on if we have been fooled all this time? I don't care. That's right, I DON'T CARE. I still believe in Phil. I still love the furry little guy.

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