Saturday, February 03, 2007

My cat might as well live in south park. Yes I am talking about south park the cartoon. This is my reasoning for this statement.
Her full name is Izabela Zip Zap, which should give everyone an idea about her personality.
We got her as a rescue kitten from our Vet, and she fit in the family really well.
She is pretty much a friendly cat, but she can be very pathetic at times.
When she wants someone to pet her, she might come up to them and put her head next to their hands.
However, the way she usually lets you know that she wants you to pet her is to first make a strange high pitched purr. Then, when she knows she has your attention, she will bow her head towards the floor, and then does a somersault. At first she looks at you like she is embarrassed by the flipping, but then she will do it again.
When you try to make the bed Izzy will race into the room and jump under the covers. You can't straighten out the sheets until she is done playing.
When our dog Ally chases after her she doesn't even try to get away. She instead flips on her back and plays dead.
Her favorite toy is the ring from the milk container. She bats at it, flips it, runs around with it in her mouth, and every once and a while she will sneak up on it and pounce it to death. Yes we know it is only a small piece of plastic, but to her it is cats meow. (sorry about that)
Right at this moment, as I write this, I can her in the bedroom messing with our other cat Kit Kat. I can only imagine that she has slowly strutted up to Kit Kat and ever so gentle slapped her in the face with her paw. That how it usually starts. Kit Kat is minding her own business, Izzy walks up to her, and pats her on the face. This will happen a couple of times before Kit Kat jumps on top of her sending Izzy running for her life.
Izzy is a great cat, with a personality to make you laugh out loud, or at least will make you scratch your head trying to figure out what she is doing.

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