Saturday, February 10, 2007

My letter to Senator Obama.

Senator Obama,
Thank you for making your announcement that you intend to run for President. My wife and I have been waiting for someone to jump into the race that we would feel good about voting for. My wife tends to vote Democratic, but I usually vote third party because of the lack of worthy candidates within the two major parties. This nation has been failing in many ways for a long time. We believe that you not only have the ability to make the American people feel good about themselves again, but also the talent to inspire them to want to do more for this nation.
We admire you for the stances that you take on the many issues, and that you seem to genuinely wish to help all Americans, and not just those that can afford to attend the fancy dinners.
Thank you again sir for making this move. As fellow Americans it is our hope to be able to follow your lead in moving towards a better America, and a better world.
Sam Reams

There will be many people who will question my decision to support Senator Obama, but it is my belief that in the current field of candidates he clearly is the best of the bunch. He has what it takes to lead us into this new period in our nations young existence. I only hope that others will see this, and also decide to support the good Senator.


Dani said...

BRAVO! I missed his speech this morning, I was ticked too, but last night I got an e-mail from him (yes I am totally sure that it was from him personally) :-) telling about his plan, and it sounded good.

I just wish I wouldv'e read his book :-)


Angie said...

Wait a minute....he wrote a book?

(sorry everyone, it's an inside joke)

Cynthia Bostwick said...

Whoa. I just discovered AJ's blog, and now yours? And--you are both Obama fans? Can there be at least three of us in Michigan with brains? (She wants the parrot, you know.)