Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My religious view.

I’m not what you would call a very religious person. I am in fact a pretty anti-religious man. Don’t get me wrong I do have a very strong belief in God, the Great Spirit, a higher power, or whatever you might want to call it. I prefer to use the word God.
Some think that my problem with religion stems from being raised Catholic, but I think it goes way deeper then that. My problem with religions and religious people is that most of them are hypercritical.
Most religious people claim to be tolerant, and giving, but what they forget to say is that they are that way only with those that are like themselves.
Most of them have no tolerance for others of different faiths, and they certainly have no tolerance for anyone who may question any of their teachings.
They claim to be giving, just out of the goodness of their hearts, but they seem to give only when they are given the chance to convert people to their faith.
They use God when it is convenient. They praise his name, yet many of them do things that seem to be against what they are supposed to believe in.
Can a person be religious and still watch pornos? Can a person claim to be religious and still inflict pain upon others? Can a person say they are worthy of Gods grace and forgiveness when all they seem to do is break his rules, and treat his treasures with disrespect, and cruelness.
Religious people use their faith not to further what is best for the world, they use it to try and change the world into what they want it to be.
That is what I have a problem with. If people are suppose to be a certain way then have the strength to live that way. If you claim to follow the teachings of what is good, then live those teachings, don’t just pretend.
I think that if God wanted every one to be the same, he/she would have made everyone the same.

1 comment:

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

what do you suppose the terrorists are thinking when they commit their acts of death and violence in the name of their god? i often wonder this....

smiles, bee