Friday, February 23, 2007

Ninja Warriors step forward

Lately I have been having memories from my childhood that would probably scare most parents. When we were younger my friends and I thought we could be ninja warriors. Now we weren’t deep into any particular martial art, but we all wanted to be Bruce Lee. We wanted to jump backwards into trees, like they did on Kung Fu theater, and we wanted to run around in the night like the shadow warriors.
We ran around the apartment complex that we lived in with Bo sticks, clubbing one another. We jumped down from trees and the second floor laundry room windows in the attempts to ambush each other.
We punched, kicked, and wrestled like we thought ninjas would, though I will admit we didn’t resemble them in any way, shape, or form.
The one thing that we did enjoy was practicing with throwing knives, and Shuriken stars. No we didn’t use them on each other, we used them on the walls of the apartment buildings. Looking back I guess that wasn’t a very smart thing to do. Especially if the management would have seen what we were doing and made our parents pay for the damage.
Some of us even got pretty good at swinging the Nun Chucks, even though today there is no way I would let my kids even touch them without proper training and oh yeah a black belt.
Why would these memories come up after all this time? Well it is simple, my children are now paying a lot of attention to such shows as Yu Gi Oh, and Shuriken School. Their curiosity it sparked, and my son wants to start learning Karate.
It reminds me of how I use to think, but some how I think that both my kids, especially my son, have a better understanding of it then I did.


Angie said...

OMG, is it just me or do you get the image of the South Park kids in your head?

Angie said...
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Dani said...

that is funny. I remember the wall outside having so many holes in it because of those things. I also remember you letting me try the 'chuks. (OUCH) I wasn't as coordinated as I am now (he he he)

OH YEA Ang, totally south park.