Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I don't know what I should do?

I, for the first time, don't know how I am going to vote this year.

I have already decided that I can't vote third party. I have seen the candidates for the Libertarians, and the Green party, and know that deep down I can't give either one of them my support.

I can't vote for the Republicans.

I can't get past that they are all idiots. When I watch them it is all I can do not to pull my hair out.All they have is to refer back to Ronald Reagan, who I believe one day people will realize that he wasn't as great as everyone tries to make him out to be.

That leaves me with the Democrats. We are now down to Obama, and Clinton.

Now I have said that I am leaning towards Obama. I believe that of all the candidates running he is the only one that can bridge the gap between parties and actually get things done.

Here, however, is the problem. Clinton cries and people feel sorry for her and gives her their vote. Clinton claims she is snubbed by Obama and the National Organization for Women come out and try to undermined Obama (which I am sure will give Clinton more votes). The more that happens to make Clinton look like a poor helpless victim the more votes she gets.

How can you be a helpless victim while claiming you were First lady of the United States. First Lady of Arkansas, a lawyer who has been fighting the system for over 35 years.

How does that person become a victim? I don't know, but I can tell you that if the Clintons (you know Bill is as much a part of this as Hillary) get the nomination for the Democratic party I might have to do the unthinkable and not vote at all.

No one in this years race, except Obama, has the real potential to be the President of the United States.

It is safe for me to say that this election year really blows.

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