Thursday, January 24, 2008

What I should be doing

I sit here before this computer trying hard to figure what to say tonight. There are so many different subjects that I am interested in yet I have no idea which subject should take tonight's place in blog world.

Yet writing this blog is not what I should be doing at all.

What I should be working on is one of the many stories that I have laying around the house. My wife, as patient as any one person can be, must look at all the papers and just roll her eyes. Though she loves me too much to actually question me about any of the stories, I know she would love it if I finally could finish one of them.

I have no clear reason for why they are all still unfinished,( laziness, procrastination, lack of real creative ability) I really have no idea why. Anything at this point would be nothing more than just an excuse, and just any excuse is not good enough.

Any way there is a character or two that feel like they might wish to speak to one another and I am the only one that can translate for them. At least that is what I am going to attempt to do anyway.

1 comment:

Angie said...

You don't have a story finished because if you did you'd have to do something with it. I think you are afraid of having your stories rejected.