Saturday, January 26, 2008

Kwame, Kwame, Kwame....

I cannot believe that it's "here we go again."

The Mayor of Detroit Kwame Kilpatrick is finding himself in hot water once more. This time it seems that Kilpatrick and Chief of Staff Christine Beatty have been found to have lied under oath about having an on going affair. Now many people have been saying that this is a personal matter between the Mayor and his wife, and that he should continue to serve as Detroit's top official.

Here however is the problem with that.

The reason he had been under oath in the first place was because of a lawsuit filed by two police officers who alleged they were fired for investigating claims that the mayor used his security unit to cover up extramarital affairs. The lawsuit ended with the jury giving the police officers more then 8 million dollars in damages.

Now these are not the only controversies that Mayor Kilpatrick has been involved with:

In 2005 the Mayor received an expensive SUV for his family to be chauffeured around in. At first the Mayor had Detroit Chief of Police Ella Bully-Cummings claim that the SUV was actually to be use in drug enforcement stings. Eventually the Mayor had no choice but to admit that he had ordered the vehicle for personal use.

In May 2007 Kilpatrick used $8,600.00 from a secret civic fund, to take his family on a vacation to a 5 star California resort. The fund was controlled by his sister and some friends that was intended to be used to improve the city through educational means. When confronted about this Mayor Kilpatrick grabbed and threw the microphone of the reported asking the questions.
In August of 2007 the situation of the fired police officers came to light with the awarding of the 8 million dollars. The Mayor blamed the verdict on White Suburbanite jurors that were using Racism as a tool against the cities Black Mayor.

As of January 2008 the Mayor, his Chief of Staff Beatty, and Chief of Police Bully-Cummings were all named in a slander lawsuit brought on by two other police officers dealing with an incident in 2004. This is when "Beatty" was pulled over for speeding. An irate Beatty asked the officers if they "knew who the f**k she was," and then called Chief Bully-Cummings to call the officers off. When the news got a hold of the story Kilpatrick, Beatty, and Bully-Cummings all claimed that the pull over had to have been a set up to harass Beatty.

So this latest report, which could lead to perjury charges that could give up to 15 years in prison, and the disbarment of the Mayor.

I along with many other people in the Detroit area had high hopes for the Mayor. A young African American male, with politics in his blood, and many new ideas seemed to be a bright light for the future of a failing city. It didn't take long to destroy those hopes, at least from the suburban stand point. With his fancy clothes, and his street sense attitude, many got the impression that he was nothing more then a well dressed bully. Now with everything that has come to light about how he really is I believe that the man needs to step down.

The city of Detroit has too many problems without having it's leader causing more illegal activities.

If there is anything decent in this man he would leave and allow the city to overcome yet another obstacle that has been placed before it.

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