Monday, January 21, 2008

It saddens me...

It saddens me to know that I would never be able to run for the Presidency of the United States.

It has nothing to do with what has gone on in my past, nor does it have to do with many of the opinions I hold on all the important issues. The reason that I can never run for the office is because of one thing and one thing only.

I am not, at least I do not consider myself, a Christian.

Yes that's right, in this great country of ours the only thing that would keep me from winning the position is my religious, or lack there of, preference. I see every single candidate in the race, both on the Democrat and Republican sides, call out that they are Christians, that they firmly believe in Jesus as their personal savior, and how many times their faith has gotten them through hard times.

I can't say any of that. I can't stand in front of the American people and say that I firmly believe in the Christan belief. I can't and won't claim that this is a Christian nation, even though many of the principals of the two systems are the same, I don't believe that is was the Christian fundamentals that were the building blocks for the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

I don't fault most of the Candidates in trying to express their beliefs in the attempts to "buy" the votes of other"believers", although a few of them seem not to good at making us believe that they are very religious.

I do fault a system however that allows only members of a certain religion to actually have a chance at becoming President. I can sit here and claim my belief in God, that I freely admit that I have, but it is not the hateful, dishonest, jealous, bull headed one of the Christian Bible.

That is why it saddens me to know that even though I would be an honest candidate, one that would do his best at helping the American people, I would never be allowed to do the job because of one certain belief that would keep me out of the White House.

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