Monday, January 28, 2008

Thank goodness this is his last....

I sit here typing this with my nose, as I have been tied up so that I cannot hurt myself or others, as I get ready to watch "President" Bush's final State of the Union speech. I have to say that I wasn't going to watch the speech, I am sure I can find some mold growing or paint drying that will more exciting, but I decided that I might as well watch the idiot the one last time.

I, however, am already feeling the heat rising. I have read the excerpts, that the administration has handed out to the press dealing with tonight's speech, and if this is what he is going to say we have been even dumber then we thought by re-electing him.(Of which of course I voted against him)

1. He wants to spend 300 million on helping school age children in struggling school districts get grants to go to private schools or to go to better districts outside of their own. I just don't understand why he has a problem helping the struggling school districts in the first place. Maybe it is because the private institutions are run by wealthier entities that usually treat their staff more unfair then public districts.

2. He plans on calling on Congress to work on the issue of Social Security so that it will be around for our children, and grandchildren. Isn't this the man who spent a great deal of time trying to throw the SS system out, and now he wants to save it. Please.

3. He is calling for Bipartisan relations between the two parties to get things done. This is the same guy who use his majority Republican congress to pass everything he wanted and then if and when the Democrats fought back attacked them as not being relevant to the situation.

4. He will of course talk about the Iraq conflict (we have not declared war on them) and will surely say how well the situation is now. Yet he will not tell us how long we will be there, how much it will cost in lives and money, and if they will have a civil war on our hands when we finally pull out.

5. He will talk about the United States need to use green technologies to help with our dependence on foreign oil. Wait a minute isn't he a TEXAS OILMAN with close ties to the SAUDI ROYAL FAMILY. What part of that relationship says he cares about green technology.

6. He wants countries of the world to band together to help overcome the problem on green house gases. Are you kidding. One of the first things that he did was pull out of the Kyoto agreement that was the worlds attempt to overcome the effect of green house emissions.

7. He will call for the end to pork barrel projects and will say he will veto any of these that come across his desk. Wait a minute. He didn't veto anything during his first six years (how about that bridge to no where) his first veto only came after the Democrats came to power and wanted to pass something of their own.

8. He will try and support his U.S. Middle East policy, even though he didn't try for middle east peace until his Iraq policy fell into the toilet.

9. He will want to make permanent his tax cuts even though they don't help the middle and lower class.

10. He will talk about how jobs have been created, but he will not say that these jobs pay very little and can't help raise a family.

11. Last and not least he will try and make himself look like less of a failure then he really is. But alas he will still look like the idiot more then before the speech.

Like I said thank goodness this is the last time we have to listen to the Idiot in Chief give this speech.

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