Friday, January 25, 2008

Who the hell are these people...

Has any one ever heard of the Westboro Baptist Church. If not everyone should find out about them. These have to be the most idiotic, back water, and ill-willed members of society that have ever been produced.

These so called "Christians" have made it their sole purpose to go to funerals of fallen soldiers and protest. They say that it is because of homosexuals in the United States that these soldiers were killed.

Now they wish to protest the funeral of actor Heath Ledger because he played a gay character in the movie "Brokeback Mountain."

I cannot for the life of me understand the whole concept behind this groups actions. I have seen pictures of them and I have to admit that if there ever was a stereotype for inbreeding they would qualify.

What makes this all the worse is that people mistake this idiot group as anti-war Liberals. They are by far not Liberals. They have to be the most right-winged conservative pro-war group out there. Their only reason for protesting the deaths is homosexuality.

If this is what Christianity is all about then I have to be happy to say that I don't include myself in this religion.

How can anyone believe in a deity that is so angry, so jealous, so hateful. I hear a little about peace and love but it is always in the context of "only if you are another Christian," and that also means if you are the right kind of Christian.

If God really wanted to lend a hand with this situation then he wouldn't allow people like the members of the Westboro Baptist Church to hurt so many innocent people.

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