Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pakistan gives out a warning...

Today we learn that we will never get Osama Bin Laden. Today we find that the man who has created Al-Quida, who helped to plan the attacks of 9/11, and who constantly calls for his followers to attack the west will never be brought to justice.

And why is this?

It is because today Pakistani President Musharraf has said that any action into his country, which includes the tribal regions in the north where Osama has been hanging out, would be seen as an invasion of Pakistan's sovereignty.

That means regardless of who becomes President of the United States, if they get a clear shot at Osama it would be seen as an invasion.

What will Pakistan do to retaliate? That is something we should think about. I don't believe they would use their nuclear arsenal on us. Not if they didn't want a quick death from ours. But then would we use such things knowing that there is a possibility that we could affect India in the process?

Would they help the Taliban to rise up against the Afghanistan government and our troops there?

Would they decide to join with Osama, to save themselves, and support the terrorist actions that we are "trying" to stop?

We can't be sure what this means. There is just no telling what some one like Musharraf would do to save himself. He is hated in his country. There have been assassination attempts on his life, and I am pretty sure he wouldn't want to do anything that would increase those.

This is just another example of how the Bush administration has dropped the ball when it has come to something important. We had Osama trapped in the beginning of this mess. We had the chance to get him and bring him to Justice but decided to go into Iraq instead.

Herbert Hoover gave us the Great Depression.

Richard Nixon showed us just how even the President of the United States could be a crook.

Ronald Reagan proved that we can outspend our enemies while sacrificing the future of our children who will have to pay for all his programs.

George Bush the elder showed us that giving all the money to the rich doesn't mean it is good for the middle and lower classes.

And now the current administration has given us the glimpse of how America can lose its position in the eyes of the world, and for the first time fall from our leadership roll to that of the bumbling idiot.

How many more Republican leaders will it take before the America that we know and love becomes the next Roman empire.

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