Friday, January 18, 2008

Show me the money.

Well it seems that the inept Bush administration and the mentally challenged Congress are trying to put together a incentive package that is supposed to help jump start our failing economy.

I just have to say here we go again with "a little late to the game aren't we folks."

For how long has Washington been saying that "oh no we are not in a recession," and "the economy is doing very well."

Apparently Washington was wrong.

Here in Michigan we have been feeling the rough road of the down turning economy for quite a while now. We have been losing jobs left and right as companies continue to send their business to cheap labor in third world countries.

So what is the magic bullet that Washington is thinking about sending to the common citizens of the great nation. A check for about $800 for single people and about $1,600.00 for married couples.

Now I know that some people are thinking WOW!!! that seems like a lot of money, but if you really think about it you might understand that it really isn't much of anything. I can tell you that most people will use this money to pay some bills. While it might help to alleviate the burden of some of their bills that is money not being spent in the economy.

If Washington really wanted to get things going I think they would need to do more then just this. I believe that they will have to do things that might make many in the upper levels of our Government squirm.

The first thing would be to raise the amount of money that they want to give to everyone. If the checks are less then $5,000.00 then things will not change. If the Government had the nerve to try that much money they might be pleasantly surprised. The majority of people would have all that money spent within the first few weeks. which means that all the money will make it through each level of the economy until it once again rests in the hands of the wealthy. So it's not really a "handout" (God forgive us if we actually help the middle class, especially when the rich will get the money back with more then they could get with interest included.)

The second thing that Washington has to do is realize that the main reason that we get into this situation is the fact that we are losing jobs, good paying jobs. We can talk all we want about the economy growing but if the jobs that are being created are $6.00-$7.00 an hour jobs then we are not really making any progress. Yes these may be honest jobs, but they are not the kind that will allow a family to make the advancements that a consumer economy desires for its growth.

A third thing that the Government must realize is that the old way of doing things is no longer going to work. I am not calling for isolationism but we have to admit that if we continue to to allow so called American business to send jobs to third world countries for the sake of profit alone then we shall never be what we once thought we were. America is facing serious trouble from other countries without beating ourselves at the game. We can only be great if we are working. We can only be great if we are able to take care of ourselves. We can only be great if the average American can look into the eyes of his children as confidently say "things will be alright."

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