Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Just another example...

My Letter to MSNBC:

To my former favorite news station;

I can't believe that the one station that I watch for the most balanced news reporting has sunk to the level of FOX news. The whole Dennis Kucinich debacle is just one more confusing item in the course of this election year. How is it that a major debate can be held with out all the candidates being apart of it. How dare an outside entity proclaim who the American people can watch when it comes to the process of choosing their leaders. Kucinich may not have a chance of winning the nomination, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have valid points to make. I don't know if MSNBC made the decision to give an invitation to him to come to the Nevada debate and then take that invitation away because they wanted to focus on the top three candidates, or if they did it because they thought that he would just make a fool of himself. Maybe MSNBC pulled the invitation because their parent owner General Electric decided that their other interest (defense contracts, and nuclear energy) would be targeted. Rep. Kucinich is opposed to the building of any nuclear facilities, and he is definitely against the War in Iraq where major defense contractors are making their money. Maybe GE wouldn't like their money making machine to have any blemishes placed on it if Kucinich calls them out on their ventures that may not be very popular. I don't know what the motives of MSNBC to go this route, to not include all candidates, were. I am sure though that they would never tell us the real truth behind the decision but now I am afraid I will now have to go back to watching another news source as MSNBC has now fallen to FOX status.

Sam Reams (Disappointed in Michigan with in MSNBC)

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